Shino Yuo
Referentin Internationale Alumni
phone: 0345-55 21549
fax: 0345-55 27427
Anton-Wilhelm-Amo-Straße 19/20
06108 Halle (Saale)
postal address:
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
International Office
06099 Halle (Saale)
Miriam Kloos
Studentische Mitarbeiterin
International Office
06099 Halle (Saale)
Current Calls and Funding Opportunities
Current Calls
Alumni Special Projects by DAAD: Online Educa Berlin (OEB)
As part of the programme, specialists seminars on varoius topics are sponsored. The thematic focus is based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, in particular:
- water / water management / waste water / waste / recycling
- nutrition / food security / food technology / rural development
- renewable energies / climate protection
- education / lifelong learning / information and communication technology
- medicine / public health
- biodiversity / ecology
The projects are aimed at professionals from developing countries who have been trained in Germany (Germany Alumni).
Who can apply?
Applications for the financing of specialist seminars can be submitted via the MLU. The selection of participating Germany-Alumni is carried out in close cooperation with the DAAD.
What support is provided?
Sponsoring is available for specialists seminars on various topics related to the above-mentioned SDGs, which are hold prior to an international fair or conference in line with these topics.
The following events/projects are already announced:
Re-invitation Programme for Former Scholarship Holders (DAAD)
Who can apply?
DAAD alumni*
What support is provided?
Research and working stays
Grants for alumni events (DAAD)
Who can apply?
DAAD alumni*
What support is provided?
Professional alumni events with a significant number of former DAAD alumni participating
Scientific Literature Programme (DAAD)
Who can apply?
DAAD alumni*
What support is provided?
Specialist literature to advance academic knowledge and qualifications
Funding Opportunities
Funding of Guest Speakers at German Universities (DAAD)
Who can apply?
German university teachers from the hosting university in Germany
What support is provided?
Temporal stay of university guest speakers from all countries and subjects (personnel and material expenses)
Individual Research of Funding Opportunities
EURAXESS - Researchers in Motion
* former DAAD scholarship holders who have received funding for a stay in Germany