Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg


Referentin Internationale Forschung / Wissenschaftlermobilität

Anton-Wilhelm-Amo-Straße 19/20
06108 Halle (Saale)

postal address:
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
International Office
D-06099 Halle (Saale)

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Binational betreute Promotion / Cotutelle de thèse

In the „Cotutelle de thèse-procedure“ the dissertation will be supervised and examined by two universities in two countries. Cotutelle does not mean that there will be two doctoral degrees awarded. The difference between the conventional, international PhD and a Cotutelle one is the duplex supervision (Co-tutelle originates from Co-tutoring). Nevertheless, the Cotutelle makes it possible to get to know two systems of sciences and to build up the professional relevant contacts in both countries.

In principle, a binational PhD in the Cotutelle-procedure is possible in every country. Depending on the partner country, there could be some special features.

In each Cotutelle de thèse-procedure an agreement between all involved actors has to be concluded. The fundament of the legal bases are the PhD regulations of the faculty, in which you want to do your doctorate.

The following steps illustrate a recommendation:

  • Inform the PhD supervisor and the responsible person in the office of the dean of the faculty, in which you want to do your doctorate, and ask about the faculty-specific procedure for the binational supervised PhD as well as about a sample agreement.
  • Prepare an individual Cotutelle-agreement and negotiate the content of your individual agreement with both supervisors. If there is no sample agreement available at the faculty in which you want to do your doctorate, please use the given template of the HRK.
  • Ask your supervisor to send the agreement, for assessment, to the “Justitiarat of the MLU”. Please keep in mind that only agreements, which are written in German, will be examined.
  • Ask your supervisor to forward the legally examined version in order to gather the signature to the office of the dean.
  • Ask the office of the dean to send a signed version of the Cotutelle-agreement to the International Office.

Further information about binationally supervised doctorate
