Carsten Heckmann
phone: 0345 55 21004
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Carsten Heckmann
06099 Halle (Saale)
Good Relations with Japan are strengthened
MLU Director Wulf Diepenbrock opened the spring academy of the International Graduate College of Halle-Tokio in early March. The invitation came from the University of Tokyo, one of the most renown universities in the world. During his trip into "the land of the rising sun", Diepenbrock visited five universities and the branch of the German Research Foundation (DFG). His conclusion: "We can be proud of our cooperation, and the potential of further growth in this partnership is high."
Director Professor Wulf Diepenbrock (2nd from right) with Professor Akihiko Tanaka (right), vice president of the University of Tokyo, and the speakers of the International Graduate College Hall-Tokyo, Professor Gesine Foljanty-Jost and Professor Hiroshi Ishida. Photo: MLU, Tino Schölz
The DFG, as well as the Japanese Society for the Development of Research (JSPS), supported the graduate college which began in 2007, with a focus on the theme "structural changes in civil society – a comparison of Japan and Germany". Just before the arrival of the Director in Tokyo, the organizers had just received news from Prof. Dr. Gesine Foljanty-Jost that a second funding period had been approved.
Keio University also belongs to the universities which Director Diepenbrock visited. In coordination with the MLU the universities have build up a German-Japanese double Masters program. Prof. Dr. Christian Oberläänder, under whose supervision the program started during the winter semester, calls it "a successful pioneer project".